$700 per Team
PELAGIC SPECIES: Payout 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place
Catch & Release Billfish
Heaviest Tuna, Dolphin, Wahoo, King Mackerel
$100 | $250 | $500 | $1,000 per species above
$250 | $500
$500 Winner Take All
$100 | $250
Winners of the Ladies Optional is calculated by total points weighed in per lady angler.
A full list of rules will be included in your team packet and will be made final at the Captain's Meeting.
Teams may depart from any port between Destin and Mexico Beach following the Captain's Meeting and return to the scales by truck or boat at Treasure Island Marina in Panama City Beach.
At least one team member must show up to Registration & Captain's Meeting on August 2 at Treasure Island Marina. If you're a Destin Team and can't make it, please call Crystal immediately to get set-up before Friday.
Registration and optional jackpots close on August 2 at 7:00pm.
Optional Jackpot payouts will be the total amount of the monies received, minus 10% for tournament service fees with the remaining 90% to be paid out. All jackpot divisions will pay 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place with a 50%, 30%, 20% split, assuming a minimum of three fish are weighed in per species. If only two fish are weighed, the split becomes 60%, 40%. If one fish is weighed, the winner receives 100%. If no fish are weighed, a refund will be given to the teams entered in that optional. The Winner Take All jackpots will be 100% payout.
Boats may depart from any port between Mexico Beach and Destin immediately following the Captain's Meeting.
Fishing ends on Sunday, August 4. You must be checked in to weigh your fish no later than 4:00pm at the dock.
Scales open at 3:00pm on Sunday, August 4. All teams must be checked in no later than 4:00pm to weigh their fish. Sunday is the only weigh-in day.
A tail tag with the team name and angler’s name must accompany each fish before unloading to the scales. Tail tags will be given in your entry packet. All fish weighed at the scales must be returned to the boat.
The tournament committee reserves the right to reject any fish entry due to its condition or one that does not meet the eligible requirements set by this tournament. Fish are subject to gutting at the scales. The condition of the fish will be left up to the scrutiny of the Tournament Director and/or Committee. Their decision is final. ​
Polygraphs may be administered at the discretion of the Tournament Director.
All fish must be a minimum of 15 lbs. Each team will be allowed to weigh-in a maximum of three fish per species. One swordfish may be weighed in the optional category and must be at least 47" lower jaw/fork.
Catch & Release billfish is an optional category. Billfish must be recorded on the score card provided with proper video verification. 200 points per billfish release.
Harpoons are allowed. No electric reels.
For the Ladies Optional: The lady angler may weigh in up to two fish per species. This may be in addition to the teams three fish maximum. (Example: Your team weighs three fish per species all caught by male anglers then the lady may weigh in two additional species that counts only towards the Ladies Optional Jackpot OR your team weighs two fish from male anglers and the third one is from the lady angler, points will go towards both tournament fish and ladies optional.)
Each boat is required to record all billfish that are released in the order in which the fish are caught on the Billfish Scorecard. The order of the recorded releases must match the order that appears on the video. It’s encouraged to call or text in all releases as they happen. Reporting is monitored by calling or texting Crystal (337) 802-5525.
Be prepared to give the following information:
Team or Boat Name, Angler’s Name, Species, & Time released​
Do not report Tuna, Dolphin, Wahoo, or King Mackerel on the scorecard.
Video verification is required for each billfish released and recorded on the scorecard. Video submitted for consideration of points must include the following technical elements:
​Angler fighting the fish, include video of the rod & reel
Cockpit panoramic view
Tournament designator
The catch (swivel at the rod tip or team member touching the leader)
Show the billfish for species identification
The release of the fish
Secondary cockpit panoramic view
Clear shot of the GPS date and time (central time zone) to be used for official release time. Hold the video steady for several seconds to allow clear focus of the date & time (this is critical.)
Video verification becomes property of the tournament. Please use a fresh SD card to have the videos readily available. Cell phone videos are acceptable.
Tournament designators will be assigned when you receive your team packet.
Catch & Release placements are determined by points awarded as follows: 200 points for any billfish release
All captains and participants must be familiar with and are responsible for all licenses and permits required by the State of Law.
The primary contact of each team will be the representative payee to receive all payments of cash awards. Payments are made by check. A single check will be written to the team’s representative for a combined total payout after a W9 is completed. ECBGFC accepts no responsibility for the division of any cash awards between team members.
Payouts are based on the number of entries. Catch & Release awards will be presented to the teams with the most accumulated points utilizing video verification. ​
If no qualifying fish are weighed in for any category, the cash award assigned will be added to other categories in a proportional manner as determined by the Tournament Director.
Top Lady Angler and Top Junior Angler Awards will be presented to the one angler based on points. One (1) point per pound for fish weighed in and 200 points per billfish release.
Swordfish and Ladies is an optional entry, not included in the tournament base entry. The Ladies Optional will payout directly to an individual, not the team. Winners are determined by the total number of points weighed in.
In case of a tie, placement is determined by time.